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'The Gulag Archipelago' - exposing the true nature of 'Utopian Socialism'

Last edited - 17 Feb 19


I am old enough to have lived through the last 15 years of the Cold War.  I am old enough to remember the tension in 1984 that, it was discovered later, nearly led to a nuclear World War.  Humanity nearly set the whole planet on fire that year, and previously in 1961 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, because a bunch of malevolent middle-class intellectuals decided to adopt a ideological doctrine that rejects objective reality.


That doctrine?  Utopian Socialism. 


As discussed in previous articles, the fundamental presuppositions of broader socialist ideas reject the concept of intrinsic human value, allowing for the commission of evil without ethical constraint, or even as a moral imperative.


This article isn't really an article, but a note on how important it is for any citizen of a truly liberal democracy to understand the utter depravity of socialism, in all of it's forms.  We can get a feel for that depravity by studying Fascism or National Socialism.  We can get an inkling of socialism's destructive capacity through a study of nations that have experimented with mere elements of socialism.


However, to get a true understanding of socialism, one must study the results of socialist presuppositions taken to their broadest and ultimate form, Marxism and it's Bolshevik and Maoist incarnations.  By retaining a broad 'egalitarian' element, unlike anti-egalitarian Marxist doctrines like Fascism, Bolshevism and Maoism demonstrated the ultimate results of utopian socialist doctrine in it's purist form.


As no great literary work on the subject exceeds that of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's 'Gulag Archipelago' and it's expose of the Bolshevism of the Soviet Union, it is this book that I will recommend.  As yet, no equivalent work has come out of China despite the barbarism, genocide and oppression of Maoism exceeding that of Bolshevism by some considerable margin.  However, if you wish to understand the effects of Maoism, simply read 'The Gulag Archipelago' and then imagine the same ideology applied to an even greater population.  This is a bit like comparing the effect of a fox in a hen house of 15 chickens vs the effect of two foxes in a hen house of 30 chickens.  The destruction is greater but the problem is identical.


Long story short, the abridged version of 'Gulag' should be required reading for all high school students in Canada, if not the world.  The full-length (3 volume) original is an even better work, but the abridged version gets the point across.


Anyone who doesn't understand that socialism is ultimately a doctrine of deceit, slavery and genocide, doesn't understand socialism.  Anyone who supports socialism as a political doctrine is complicit in the greatest work of human evil in recorded history, a work of evil that continues today in Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and China; and which threatens human civilisation once again in the western world.


Read 'Gulag Archipelago'.  If you're short on time, read the abridged version.


Then read it again.


Then loan it to another person.  Buy one for a friend or family member.  Do not let your kids turn 18 before they've read it, it's that important.


Treat the content within with the same attitude we apply to Remembrance Day; NEVER FORGET this genocidal doctrine was allowed to wreak it's destruction through the complicity of ordinary people.  People like you, your family members, your neighbour and your best friend.  This was not a small group of extremists, but a mass movement of ordinary humans who allowed their souls to be corrupted by an evil idea.

Gulag Abridged.jpg

Abridged Gulag - Published in late 2018 and available through Amazon, etc.

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Gulag vol 2.jpg

Jocko Willink and Jordon Peterson discuss 'The Gulag Archipelago'.  Jocko's podcast is brilliant.  I don't remember meeting Jocko personally, but we served in the same task force in Iraq and I share many of his perspectives on human nature.


The Gulag Archipelago - 3 Volume complete version, published in many versions since 1973.  These covers are from the Harper Perennial Modern Classics published in 2007 available on Amazon, Chapters, Barnes & Noble, etc.

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